
Code of Conduct

Our network and services are designed to provide players with a safe place to have fun and interact with one another. We encourage players to cooperate as well as compete with one another, but crossing certain boundaries in dealing with one another is unacceptable. If you come across a player who violates the rules below, this should be reported to us immediately.


Any form of communication between players (chat, messages, TeamSpeak) You are responsible for how you express yourself. Please ensure that your expressions are not vulgar, offensive or offensive to other players.

Hate speech and discriminatory language are inappropriate, as are obscene or Disruptive terms. Threatening or bullying other players is always unacceptable, regardless of the language used or whether other players condone it.

En Violating any of these rules will result in account consequences. Depending on the type and frequency, further sanctions can follow.


Names are subject to the same rules explained above. All player-customizable names and labels, such as pets, signs, or item names, must be appropriate and not offensive. Any name found to be in violation of our standards will be changed and the responsible account may face further sanctions at our discretion.

Please note that the eligibility of a name depends on both player reports and our judgment .


The meaning and possible interpretations of e.g. representations by blocks or characters are subject to the same rules explained above.

Please note that the admissibility of a representation depends on both depends on player reports as well as our judgment.

Cheating and Exploiting

You, as the account owner, are responsible for all activity related to your account. Any kind of cheating has immediate consequences. This includes using third-party programs to automate any aspect of the game (cheating), exploiting bugs in the game (exploits), or engaging in any activity that provides an unfair advantage not intended by the developers.

The Taking advantage of other players is a serious offense. Cheating, account sharing, win trading, and any other practice that negatively impacts the gaming experience of other players will result in severe penalties.


Behaviour that intentionally interferes with the enjoyment of other players, such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc. is unacceptable. We expect players to respect each other and promote a pleasant gaming environment.

Acceptable behavior is determined by us. Violating these guidelines will result in account restrictions.

If you are unsure whether your behavior violates our Code of Conduct, you should reconsider. We reserve the right to impose reasonable sanctions on violating accounts.

Would you like to contact us?

Ask the community for help or contact us. Please give us the most precise information possible about your concern.


kontakt [at]



Opening Times1
18:30 - 21:30 MESZ


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