
Terms of Service

Thank you for your interest in Cubolis's Service. This Agreement sets out the terms on which you may use the Service. The term "Service" as used herein refers collectively and from time to time individually to (1) the Cubolis Game Services, (2) the TeamSpeak Server, (3) the Forum, (4) applications approved by Cubolis, and (5) all features and components of each thereof, whether or not installed or used on a computer or mobile device.


Cubolis is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Mojang. If you have any problems with Cubolis, contact them contact our customer service.

Governing Law

The present Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Germany and if you are a resident of a Member State of the European Union, you will also enjoy that Protection of mandatory provisions n the consumer protection laws in your Member State.


You hereby acknowledge that Cubolis would suffer irreparable harm if the provisions of this Agreement are not followed and enforced . Therefore, you agree that if we breach the Agreement, we shall be entitled to any remedy we reasonably may, in addition to any remedies we may have under applicable law, without liability, security, or proof of damages.


Cubolis may change or amend this Agreement at any time as its business and the law evolve. In this case, Cubolis will notify you of these changes or additions by means of a special notice. If you do not object to the amended Agreement after 6 weeks from the date of this special notice, your continued use of the Services will mean that you agree to the amended Agreement. As part of the special notice, Cubolis will remind you that your continued use of the Service after 6 weeks of the special notice means that you agree to any changes made. These changes or modifications will not affect essential features of the Services. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Cubolis Customer Service.

  1. Cubolis may apply this Agreement in whole or in part at any time with or without your consent assign to any person or entity, so long as such assignment does not affect your rights set forth in this Agreement. You may not assign this Agreement without Cubolis's prior written consent, and any assignment not authorized by Cubolis is void.
  2. Cubolis's failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute (1) a waiver to such provision or (2) limit any right to enforce such provision. Further, Cubolis may elect to waive enforcement of any provision of this Agreement in certain instances; however, this does not mean that you will not be bound by this provision in the future.
  3. Cubolis shall not be liable for any delay or non-performance resulting from unforeseen circumstances or causes beyond Cubolis's control, such as natural disasters, unforeseen intrusions into our cyberspace, War, acts of terrorism, riot, embargo, action by civil or military authorities, fire, flood, accident, strikes, or shortage of transportation facilities, fuel, power, labor or materials.
  4. Should any provision of this Agreement be deemed invalid or is found unenforceable, that provision will be superseded and the remainder of this Agreement will not be affected.
  5. The provisions of the Sections will survive any termination of the Agreement for any reason.

Would you like to contact us?

Ask the community for help or contact us. Please give us the most precise information possible about your concern.


kontakt [at]



Opening Times1
18:30 - 21:30 MESZ


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