
Modification Agreement

Cubolis considers hacking, cheating, botting, or altering or simplifying gameplay using "unauthorized" third party programs" to be a material violation of the User Agreement. An "unauthorized" third party program in for this purpose is defined as any third-party software or method or code that modifies the code or data used by the game client, including any "add-on" or "mod":

  1. Enable or encourage cheating in any form, including botting and/or altering or simplifying gameplay;
  2. Enable users to modify or modify the user interface, environment and/or gaming experience in any way hacking that is not expressly permitted in the Terms of Service;
  3. Intercept, collect data, or otherwise collect information from or using Cubolis Services.
Examples of v suggested modifications

Note that this is just a selection of examples. These examples should only help you to be able to judge modifications yourself without much previous knowledge.

  1. ESP (Extra Sensory Perception)
    1. Extended data of other players (e.g. life, armor, . ..)
    2. Location of players, entities or blocks (e.g. through walls, mini map, ...)
    3. Display of debug information if the server prohibits this (e.g. coordinates, Hit Boxe ...)
    4. Hide players, entities or blocks (e.g. transparent images, ...)
  2. Macros
    1. Any type of automated playback of input sequences through software or hardware
    2. Increasing the input speed (e.g. click speed, ...) through software or hardware
  3. Cheats
    1. Movement Manipulation (e.g. Fly, Speed, No-Clipping, ...)
    2. Interaction Manipulation (e.g. Range, Speed, Ghost, ...)
    3. Botting (e.g. Aim, Trigger, Combat, ...)
Allowed Modifications
  1. Optifine - Stand : 01.0 8.2020

If you are unsure whether your modification does not comply with our terms of use, please contact our customer service. In some cases we review and list new mods.

Would you like to contact us?

Ask the community for help or contact us. Please give us the most precise information possible about your concern.


kontakt [at]



Opening Times1
18:30 - 21:30 MESZ


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