Shows details of the current rank
Statistics & achievements
Opens the overview of statistics & achievements
/stats [player name]
Opens the overview of statistics & achievements of a player
Opens the overview of friends
/friend [player name]
Sends a friend request to a player
/unfriend [player name]
Removes a friend
Opens the overview of ignored players
/ignore [player name]
Ignores a player
/unignore [player name]
Removes ignoring a player
Deactivates the current particle aura temporarily
/msg [player name] [message]
Sends a priv ate message to a player
/r [message]
Sends the last privately written player a private message
/staff [message]
Sends a message to staff on the same server
/server [servername]
Join a Cubolis Player Server
/party [player name]
Invites a player to the party or suggests an invitation
/party leave
Leaves the current party
/party kick [player name]
Removes a player from the current party
Opens the overview of the settings
Cubolis Player Server
Creates a Cubolis Player Server
Opens the overview of the Cubolis Player Server
/ whitelist [player name]
Whitelist a player
/bc [message]
Sends a noticeable message to all players
Opens the overview of the current vote