
Communication Agreement

We provide various tools through the Network, Forum and TeamsSpeak for communication between your accounts and the accounts of other players. These communication tools do not (legally) form an electronic communication service, so you should use these tools related communications are not considered private or personal.

In order to provide an attractive, safe, and lawful environment for all players, we have established a policy on storing and retrieving related and received in-game chats and other messages.

By accepting this Agreement, you agree that Cubolis may:

  1. Store in-game chats and other messages that you send or receive through any of our Services , and
  2. Check these in-game chats and other messages for possible violations of applicable law, the Code of Conduct, or the Terms of Use v applicable.

We use the information contained in saved game chats and other messages only to investigate such violations and take any necessary action.

Would you like to contact us?

Ask the community for help or contact us. Please give us the most precise information possible about your concern.


kontakt [at]



Opening Times1
18:30 - 21:30 MESZ


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